Saturday, January 31, 2004

New week has arrived and another and left. Time and tide waits for no man. Many things have happened in the course of the week. Cross-country took place on Friday. Saw many people and many of them ran pass me coz I was doing duty at one of the station. Saw sumin’s sweet and zi xin sprayed water on him. He was in a rather sheepish state. If sumin had only seen it and too bad mine hp has no camera or she could have an mms… anyway besides that saw many other people slacking running stoning… saw real competitors and saw real slackers. Life is just another endless race where the finishing line is never that clear. Called mich on the hp to see when can leave the station and saw a bunch of slackers who wanted to pretend to faint. OMG y are there such people in the world. Once laziness found u, it’s very hard to shake it off. Walked all the way back with mich and gang. While on duty saw meiting ran by and she had a laceration. She still continues to run after applying some medication. Life is same as this. U will climb up from where u have fallen and continues to move on despite some injuries along the way.
Was a tiring day and was exhausted. Went out with family eat dinner and then fall asleep. Didn’t went out with the class coz felt that it was rather impromptu and abrupt. That’s all for now folks, cya later…

wx at 1/31/2004 09:48:00 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Hello again. It has been a long while since I last updated my blog. Its actually have been quite short about 3 days never write or say anything new.
Maybe that’s y life is also never a clear-cut thing but rather filled with shade of grey in between everything. Sigh, life is no longer that plain and simple. Sigh…

Anyway, the day has come once again. It’s the Chinese New Year again. It has been such a long wait yet not that long compared to the history of mankind. Paradoxical is it so… however I think I should not dwell such much on the rather melancholy stuff during the season of festive and such pompous occasion like this. We should start anew and afresh just like the arrival of spring. Should have meiting’s thinking…
Its have been a long wait and finally CNY has arrived make everyone so excited and in high spirits. Went to school today but was quite bored except celebrate ven’s birthday. Shit forget to pay June money too lor. Had some sort of class meeting but was rather a group thing with participations from THEM only. Its not that I m unhappy about that but I think its just boring and unless they allow others to participate. Maybe they should call it group meeting rather than class meeting. Sometimes names or tittles are just excuses made up by man to use it as a smokescreen. Names are merely tools for the selfless… nevertheless the meeting ended quite soon maybe coz we were all stoning… The CNY celebration was great with Sheryl dancing and CO performing such melodious pieces.
Went out later with mich and gang to taka. Was quite fun coz we were like paparazzi hunting June’s new target. He was quite good looking in terms of being pleasant looking. Wonder who June will choose? The swimmer or guy–next-door? Wonder, wonder, wonder… saw many old pals in taka, quite unsuspected and shocked. They looked the same; maybe just coz some people never changes with time. Walked around and then eat lunch. Waited June for nearly 1 hr coz she was enjoying his presence, basking in his arms (Hahaha…)
Went home with mich via bus quite guilty that mich came all the way down just to eat with us lor. Anyway that’s all for now… hope that all those reading the blog are having a good time.

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai !!! Happy CNY!!!

wx at 1/22/2004 01:40:00 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Its have been another week. Time passes by very fast when u never pay much attention to it but it will slowly drip by when u r overwhelmed by boredom or flooded with excessive tiredness. There is no one moment that time will ever wait for humanity. Time and tide waits for no man…

The week was filled with exhilarant activities that are both tiring and emotive. Anyway lets get down to business…

E was asking a lot bout her and I was quite fed up with that. Eh hello, I don’t really want to whole world to know. What is worse is that once she knows about something new, she reports to her general R. that is so infuriating. She is so inquisitive that I think she is a blabbermouth and busybody. Really hope that she could start butt out of my life at times. Thanks mich for sitting there or else I would be bored to death or m blood would boil to 100 degree. Talking about chem. was quite happy coz I saw meiting episode 2 and initially thought she had rather unique taste but upon closer inspection that I finally saw the light. He was not that bad and rather had the intelligent look (maybe that’s y he is in sc1 …) anyway I think he’s quite ok like episode 1. meiting does have exquisite taste (in the good sense of coz). Sitting with them was a stark contrast with the spy from R. laughter was in the air unlike the stench of decay and boredom lingering around when I sat there previously.

Called her few times and chatted through the phone. Was a rather refreshing and enthralled after that. However quite sad that she cant come back to celebrate the New Year coz the flight was fully booked. Why so many people must fly back this time? Sigh. Sent her a New Year card, some oranges, some fallen pussy willow as gifts… Creative huh? Really hope that she enjoyed herself over there…

To be continue...

wx at 1/17/2004 03:40:00 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2004

New week has passed. Getting use to the new school life once again. Though there may not be much adapting to do this year but it is just the “new school year” syndrome taking effect. Sadly there is no cure but the need for pure determination to rid it of my mind. If you have not realised that the language in my blog is improving from the previous fragmented grammatical structure that I have used in the other entries before this one. I especially typed this in Word so that I can use F7 every now and then. This change or improvement is brought about by the constructive comment by meiting. Its not that I didn’t really use this method because I feel that this method will make the blog lose the personal touch and lose the element of being simple and being “me”. (if you know wat I mean) I don’t really bother about the concord, sentence structure, tenses or any other thing because I don’t want to be restricted by the rules and regulations. I want to be free and free shall I be. Forgetting about the way life goes on and forgetting the time constraints will we be able to live freely. Rules are meant to be bent, time supposed to be wasted and used, life is meant to be enjoyed and cherished. Why is there a need to be bind down by all the worldly desires and ropes of conditions. Let us be free…

Anyway mich has said that she link me and that is good coz I don’t really know how to do that. I realised that I don’t blog everyday maybe coz I don’t want to or maybe I just too tired. Today not that tired so decided to type more than before or maybe coz feels guilty that I didn’t blog for so long…

Talked to her again for only a few days coz either she was tired from stoning (that’s wat I think she doing lor) or I m too tired to hold a conversation with. Once I even talk to her till I fell asleep. It was so embarrassing. She felt a message for me the very next day and ask me to rest for often. I was so touched and felt so sweet like cotton candy. Maybe it was due to the mysterious aftermath of the lo*e word. Wonder y Cupid never found me previously. Hope she read my blog and truly hope that she can take care of her health coz last time I heard her voice was coarse and rough. Wonder is she taking the honey droplets I send her recently…

Realised that I talked or blogged too much…don’t wanna type some more. Hope that everything would be better tomorrow. World Peace to all !!!

wx at 1/10/2004 10:02:00 PM

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Sigh a new wkend has juz passed like that lor. Did nothing much but stone my life away. Sigh. Anyway talk to her juz now. She said that she is also slacking at her home counting sheep. Cant believe she has nothing to do Down Under. Told her bout the first day of school and she said it sounded interesting. She even wanted to come back lor. How I wish we could switch milieu for a day or a week or a month or… anyway cant find anything to do and don’t really feel like going anywhere. Boredom has started to plague me. Could someone help me to carry out exorcism? Don’t really wanna start school next week but wat can a fragile soul do to change the world. Sigh… started to read a book she sent and feeling quite heavy… Y is thy life so mundane and lack of zest… Sigh…

wx at 1/04/2004 04:37:00 PM

Saturday, January 03, 2004

still a newbie here and dont koe how to do many things lor. Feel so stupid... su min visited e site say that is too few words lor... anyway i will take e constructive advice foir e time being coz dont koe anything yet... Damn it lor !!! sigh sigh sigh...

wx at 1/03/2004 11:34:00 PM

Heloz !!! Newbie on the bloc or should i say blog ?!?

wx at 1/03/2004 05:11:00 PM