Saturday, February 07, 2004

With every fleeting second, memories are being created…
With every passing moment, histories are being made…

The week has passed and here I m back again editing my seemingly weekly blog of mine. This week many events have occurred in my life. Events that have affected my mood and feelings…

Heard and seen a lot of things this week. Received my mortal reply. Was so stupid or should I say that I was rather rash that I blame her for “lying” to me. Can’t blame her for that even if she really wanna lie to me. Maybe she feels that this sort of relationship should always be shrouded in a mist of anonymous and mystery. That could make it more interesting for the both us…sent her the second letter enclosing a muchi. Hope that she would consume it and it was not damaged during the transportation. Maybe the post-woman was not careful… (hahaha… J) Really hope that she would reply soon…

She’s coming back soon for a very diminutive period of time. Need to rush. Ordered some purple pink red scheme of flowers for her hope that she might like that. Really hope that she can stay longer but time does not permit. Anyway a few hours are better than nothing at all. Can’t be that greedy rite? Hope that she will enjoy that day. J

Chem. Practical was not that fun coz we were really slacking lor. It seems that we didn’t take Heng or e practical serious enough. Might have taken him for granted. Guiltiness has start to haunt me and conscience of mine is being pricked by some thorns… did some experiment and embarrassed myself while testing for e imaginary sulphur dioxide. Was a futile test… Sigh…

Had gp test today. Was quite tired to go anyway after that. Went out with parents to have lunch. Decided to visit her but no one really can make it so in the end didn’t go. What was worse was that I really was quite turned off by his action. He acted so solemn and sombre yesterday by telling the whole class about her and then today was a total freak. He asks the next class guys to play LAN and pool. What a drastic change from the serious person to the heck-care guy. Such radical switch btw mood and attitude. What a deceitful, hypocritical, duplicity, two-faced performer. He could win the up coming Oscar. I m not against him but since u r not really that totally caring for her then don’t get so serious yesterday. Quit acting the good guy or the “goody two shoes”. Enough bout him…

Heard about her situation. Felt sad for her, truly hope that she can be strong and she can have faith in God. She really must be strong emotionally. Her soul is being tested now. Really hope that she can be strong throughout this…

Wrote quite a length today coz really have lots to say but too laziness has caught up on me again so decided to quit writing and take a rest instead… hope that thing would have a better outcome tomorrow.

With each passing clouds, our burden are being drifted away…
With each blowing wind, our emotions are aroused…

wx at 2/07/2004 11:04:00 PM