Saturday, June 26, 2004

Life is full of surpries but never when u need one...

wx at 6/26/2004 10:16:00 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A broken chord, a shattered glass.
A diminishing shadow, a tattered past.
An irreparable change, an irreversible way.
What’s left for me to say when nothing gold remains…

wx at 6/23/2004 03:54:00 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2004

FIR = Fairyland In Reality. Wonder that’s a myth or a truth? Wonder if its an utopia, imaginary place that tempt us into forgetting the arduous, humdrum, boring routine of our daily lives? Wonder who would fall for it? Maybe I really would… I mean really want to find that fantasy. I really want that.
Anyway heard FIR songs. Quite nice. Had quite refreshing songs and lyrics.
Heard Ocean’s album too. Quite cool. Was revitalized and rejuvenated after his songs, quite like the ocean. Haha…

wx at 6/20/2004 06:59:00 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Plague + Aspirin = Migraine
I am Sick !!!

wx at 6/15/2004 11:09:00 PM

Plague + Aspirin = Migraine
I am Sick !!!

wx at 6/15/2004 11:09:00 PM

Monday, June 14, 2004

went out eat dim sum. was tasty. its had been a long time. anyway, its so hot and stuffy that i dont even wanna do anything. Town seemed to be a second home. haha... maybe thats y they say that its holidays now. went out so often that e ez-link is used up quite fast... Sigh

wx at 6/14/2004 10:24:00 PM

went out eat dim sum. was tasty. its had been a long time. anyway, its so hot and stuffy that i dont even wanna do anything. Town seemed to be a second home. haha... maybe thats y they say that its holidays now. went out so often that e ez-link is used up quite fast... Sigh

wx at 6/14/2004 10:24:00 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Took this off some where... juz realised that its quite apt with by title.
Hope u enjoy...

nature's first green is gold
her hardest hue to hold
her early leaf's a flower
but only so an hour
then leaf subsides to leaf
so eden sank to grief
so dawn goes down to day
nothing gold can stay

robert frost

wx at 6/12/2004 02:58:00 PM

Friday, June 11, 2004

Guilt. Guilty. Bad.

wx at 6/11/2004 10:16:00 PM

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Enigmatic. Paradoxical. Problematic.

Came across a few blog, read them, insurgence of thoughts came through. Therefore decided to start “penning” them down. Read her blog, saw her thoughts, agreed with her. Maybe there’s expiry date for everything even friendship. Nothing ever remains the same and real. Everything changes fast or slow. Sad to say but that’s the tragic fact of life. Come on lets face it, the world not stop revolving because of u. it never stops for anyone.

Friends are supposed to be forever? No correct answer. Don’t know what to say. Really tried to say yes but I can’t. Really can’t. My heart is hardened and nothing going to change that. Its like a form of barricade, a form of fortification, a form of wall, I just can’t break it down like that. Feeble as I m, I just cant. Friendship doesn’t seem to be what it used to be. Maybe its coz I m aged but I too m searching for e real answer. Can u help me?

Then came along his blog. Was shocked that its was his birthday. I forgot about it. Actually faintly remembered his was coming but didn’t really realised that it was over. Wanted to sms to wish him happy birthday but couldn’t make myself to do it. Maybe I still couldn’t get over what he did, maybe I m petty, maybe I m just not prepared to do so. Once again I realised I m not that sturdy. Humans are weak emotionally. Really did want to be there to wish him e best but I cant seem to get it off my mouth. I hate this feeling. I detest it.

Rather disorganized entry but who care. I don’t. Melancholy has taken over me, malice has conquered me, frostiness and iciness has covered me up. I m left alone to ponder over this. Wondering who is going to be hurt next and wondering y must it be like that. Friends are double-edged sword. They can make u feel superb yet can make u void of any emotions. Hate them or love them, u can’t do anything about that. U really can’t. Can u?

wx at 6/05/2004 11:40:00 PM