Sunday, July 25, 2004

Guess you never really know her in these days.
The spell of distance between your hearts, it never goes away.
Time to give up. Time to fall deeper apart. Time to let it go.
Let me choose one, right now, right now…
Went back to the place where wonderful memories were made. Retracing back the very path that I once took. Was rather emotive and sensual in a way. Retracing can actually be such an excruciating thing but it can be rather evocative too. If retrospect doesn’t bring back any painful memories then maybe it should not be considered to be of great importance at all. If you never have been hurt, then you haven’t really been in love…

Images of the past surged through my mind. The inundation of history was as vivid as before. Struck a very immersed chord indeed. Really enjoyed taking a cab and travel on the expressway through the night. Was quite mesmerised by the night scene and the imposing skyline. Sigh, so beautiful yet so transient. Sigh …

Been to the blog and realised that I been the one that actually updates. Maybe the rest are mugging while I have been slacking. Sigh

Anyway when they read my previous entry, they thought I have broken up or something. I really must say that it was rather poignant but its just my truest feelings and sentiment. Really needed that moment to myself and really needed an outlet for it. Really needed that much awaited relief…

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Maybe I am really transparent or maybe I am insignificant, the person didn’t kind of know I existed. Maybe I have disappeared from the person’s life Anyway I shouldn’t be caring anyway, I promise to forget and I will try. Its pointless to keep on fighting this relentless battle for I will always be the loser, for the only injured person will only be me…

wx at 7/25/2004 12:25:00 AM

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Saw the beginning of the chapter of the story and could foretell the ending. The finale was not spectacular after all. Maybe I was the abstemiousness one right from the start. Maybe I was the self-denial one at the very commencement. Maybe I was the foolish idiot right from the beginning…
Was hurt or not? It’s no longer a question. It’s of no importance of all. Once the damage is done, we can’t really blame anyone, can we? We should move on with our own lives and put the past behind. Easier said than done!
Can’t really recall who hurt whom and don’t really want to look further behind. Retrospect is nothing but a painful re-enactment of the past, which we might have been trying our utmost best to forget and hide all along. Pain is always a part of our reminiscence.
Really shouldn’t be looking back and feel so disconsolate or gloomy or even guilty. It’s pointless and futile. What’s the point when you can’t change the past but only can look back and cry?
 World-weary and jaded, I need to time out from this. I need a half time. I need a break. I need to vent it out. Most important of all, I need to forget.

wx at 7/18/2004 12:00:00 AM

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Let X be the random personal that I am going to talk about.
X lacks security. X has no cliques that it belongs to. X is desperate for attention and is getting on my nerves. X is trying her best to remain conspicuous and ion the process causing lots of unnecessary friction that can damage relations. X likes to act cute and behave like an innocent child but my ass X is not such a meek character. Such an actor or actress. X can run for the Oscars! X is a pain in the neck. Never seen such a rough, garrulous, talkative MAD person. X cant seem to stop its mouth and rattles on an on about its boring, senseless experiences. Do I really care? Not a single bit…
X lacks security. X is like a leech that constantly needs to adhere to something. Poor us the victim… here is the leech hypothesis. I think X has not much life and has only a mouth the can spew out nonsense and pollute the environment we are in. X sucks.
X is a bane of to our existence. X is negative externalities. I can’t stand THE LEECH, THE SLIME, THE IDIOT, THE PARASITE.  
Gross !!! Yuck !!!

wx at 7/17/2004 03:20:00 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Leaving your loved ones might actually be the finest gift you can give to them...

wx at 7/11/2004 06:23:00 PM

Change a new look. Felt refreshed and new. Spent a lot of effort doing the entire layout, felt accomplished too. Did many revamps, was satisfied by everything. Its fantastic…
Enough of the superficial bragging of my own alter ego. Back to business… many things happened this few weeks after the hols. Was quite surprised by some people’s reaction an perturbed by their actions. I think that we are all prone to moments of foolish and childishness. What can I say we are all fallible Homo sapiens. Heard a lot of trash from people and realised that not everyone has the correct frame of mind. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions but some are very immature and senseless. What has happened to their common sense when it’s supposed to be common? I wonder…
Anyway some people do act very rashly. They don’t seem to mind the consequences. Are they too reckless or am I too slow? I wonder too…
Was quite sandwiched between people and quite weary already. Fatigue has caught up on me and I am drained of the oomph. Really too hackneyed to bother about it. Jaded by some many predicaments, I have nothing more to say.....

wx at 7/11/2004 04:15:00 PM

new skin... spent a lot of time doing it... hope u like it... really feel great after the extreme makeover. Wow !!! Really nice huh?

wx at 7/11/2004 12:16:00 AM