Friday, September 29, 2006

its been so long since i tasted social high life. the fun and freedom that accompanies with it send good vibes down the spine. been real long since i stepped to the airport, the lounge and saw a plane, the feeling is just shiok...

anyway thanks for being such a moron, u sucker for asking us yet withdrawling at the final moment.

thanks for being a %#@#$^

(i should be more mellow now...)

wx at 9/29/2006 01:55:00 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

went out today, meet old friends, quite glad, talk bullshit and other crappy stuff...
cant update too much now coz busy, will update when more free...

least am updating, if not someone will not link me... haha...

the thing that is most impotant is that really treasure the moments they we shared together, thanks... was really fun...

wx at 9/25/2006 11:58:00 PM

went out today, meet old friends, quite glad, talk bullshit and other crappy stuff...
cant update too much now coz busy, will update when more free...

least am updating, if not someone will not link me... haha...

the thing that is most impotant is that really treasure the moments they we shared together, thanks... was really fun...

wx at 9/25/2006 11:58:00 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

i hate what i am doing now, it sucks...
social life is nil, modern living and dining zero, town is out of the questions, life sucks,
some annoying bastards juz wont let go, waiting for things to happen and brighten up the bleck horizon... stone in a corner hoping that things will turn better... WHY?

dont really know if its weariness or boredom but it juz sucks, maybe its mood swing, i dunno...

what the fuck! everything is juz wrong, down the gutters, plain wrong...

wx at 9/17/2006 09:18:00 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006


thanks for being such a spoil sport...
thanks for not being there when i needed u...
thanks for being such a sucker...
thanks for being such a bi^ch...

just plain thanks for spoiling eveything that i thought would happen...
thanks for ruining everything...


wx at 9/09/2006 12:08:00 AM