Sunday, December 10, 2006

Relinquished of the green black and dull, replaced by the hues of pink and brilliant. No longer a days so aligned and mundane but rather filled with excitement and forebodings. Flummoxed by what the future entails, overwhelmed with liberation and exaltations, all I can do is wait and see. Wait for it to be slowly revealed in time to come…

I should me very happy. Liberated and relief should have been the long awaited response but I couldn’t really seem to muster it. Should be over the moon and on cloud nine but was surprisingly mellow. Placid and calmness seem more likely to be the response. I think that it is just over rated. I know that this might sound wrong but I really don’t feel the exhilaration that others mentioned. It could be a wrong anticipation all along. Whatever the reasons it could be, I don’t really bother any more. Its over means its over. I don’t care any more… Haha

Sitting here and typing this blog didn’t really bring back much memory about the past experiences; maybe as time goes by, retrospection could become easier. Changes are necessary and implemented; we are no longer who we were days ago. A new journey beings and what the future holds remain un-told. A perilous path or a bed of rose, I know not of. Just going to take a step at a time. Who knows who I will meet, who cares?

I am starting a new path, will you be with me?

wx at 12/10/2006 05:45:00 PM