Friday, February 09, 2007

The last few minutes of work then will retire… if that is what unemployment means… anyway a bit sad that leaving this comfort zone coz the milieu here is enjoyable.

Will be unemployed till don’t know when, cyn is coming soon. Was talking with mich then realized that its actually next week. So fast so old already man. Going to exceed to twenty figure soon. Sigh… she was asking if I am prepared for the new year, cant really say no just seem to be too fast. Maybe coz was slacking all this while didn’t make the effort to prepare. Though was forced to wake up damn early last weekend to do spring cleaning. Don’t know why cant hire others to clean, mom said this sort of thing is like family bonding stuff… whatever… secretly, I don’t really mind and I really now whine like some pampered lazy sloth, which some people might insinuate that I am esp wes… I just don’t do it often. There is a major difference you know… minuscule doesn’t mean non-existent.

Slacking all the way till cyn and don’t know when. Really tired of slacking and doing nothing. Don’t wanna lead an empty void life. Anyway will be going foreign lessons soon, going cost quite a lot don’t know whether there will be external subsides… haha…

Btw, really didn’t know they sent the license to you personally. No one was at home then so need to go down personally to the post office to collect. So cumbersome need to make another trip there… sigh… told u is a just a lame piece of statement.

Going off now… bye to this pleasant environment…

wx at 2/09/2007 04:22:00 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

ok, dont think will be working anymore now... so stupid back to square one again, need to look at classifieds daily and stuff, will be damn sian lor... wtf cant they be like more efficient in looking out for a new one for me. damn those bastards... anyway this part sound very cheena... shld stop being so informal and illiterate...

so fast next wk is when all those happening events start to occur and time to become more emo. the festive season is coming, v day with all the hu-ha, everything seem to be rushing. didnt know that cyn is like next wk, so many thins to prepare but just found out that if i cant really spend alot on the preapration espically in the materials and superficial department coz no work means no income in the very near future... sigh... balancing the spreadsheet is so difficult...

moreover, v day is coming. supposedly to be a pleasent occasion but what the hell, it just brings back memories. damn those emo stuff... what to do, wonder how is she doing now? shit shld i be bothered anymore? Sigh.

everything seems fine on the surface but with deeper dwelling what you see might not be what you get. matters of the hearts bring woes with it but is joy and love part of it too?

wx at 2/08/2007 11:27:00 AM