Friday, March 30, 2007

Ok shouldn’t be blogging now just that work is very dull now and that the weekend is near. Been quite busy periodically and that was filled with ugly personalities popping out from work. I mean ugly customers are rife in the society. Wonder what’s happening to the social fabric? Down the gutters with all those teachings and schooling. Wtf… if you have a screw up life then its your own shit don’t try to shove it to others. If you are pist then is your fucking business, no that others give hoot about it. Damn…

Change of mode, been to a junior’s blog. Was quite sometime since we contacted, that’s why was kinda surprised by what happened recently. Could really feel what he had been through. Letting go was hard and actually wanted to tag him to slowly forget about her. Then realized that when was in his shoes, I felt the same way too. People’s comments don’t really help much. Think that such issue is more personal and up to your own mindset. Don’t really know the actual details to what happen to their relations so cant comment it, but then again in such relation can we even put a scale on who did what wrong and who let the other down. I guess it’s just among both parties.

While reading through his moaning or rather reflecting, it was like looking back the scars of old wound. Not that they are identical but they share high resemblances. We know not of who is right or wrong, is just fades away before we knowing anything. What to do was to no avail. both just left without single word. maybe both of them weres sisters? Lol...
was sad for his plight but what to do , what done cannot be undone. Wallowing in sadness cant redeem the suitation and cant help much. Just let it take its course...

Sigh... think being too emo should not be that reflective or emotive for now...

wx at 3/30/2007 04:53:00 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

when do you know that you haven't blog for a long time, when there are some changes to the login and stuff. there is now spell check when typing and stuff, so many new things to explore... who ever said changes was a bad thing? maybe too much changes is no good? who give hoots about that? haha...

Been busy with the year of the pig by really pigging out, when out with old cliques and pals, the usual plans... leading quite regular life... work is ok juz kinda boring...

new incidents are occurring too fast that i cant blog about them... need to do selective blogging soon. think will do that soon if i remember

buzzing or snoozing off now...

wx at 3/05/2007 10:59:00 PM