Thursday, July 26, 2007

Didn’t know that would be writing this out coz this might be more like a blog entry than a statement to bid farewell… anyway enough crapping and getting to the main point. Sorry but might be using Chinese in the process so jp u might need help to get the fuller meaning…

要离开了,要开课了。没有所谓不散的宴席, 过路客始终不能停留太久。离别的时候终究会到来。以为没那么快但一转眼的时间,半年已过。记得第一天来的时候,我还在外面等着老板来的时候,Stacy 拿了mag 让我消磨等待的时间。Anyway the rest is history so no need to rummage out more stuff. Certain memories are better or meant to be silent and felt.

Maybe I am being emo… haha…

或许是离开的时候,人往往才会去想念去回味那些过往的回忆。重视感情的人或许才会害怕离别吧?也可能是因为太过感性才会有如此的反应吧?在这里看到了很多场精彩的戏码,看到了人生百态。(知道有点夸张。。。)But then again it’s because of this that working life is exciting and vibrant, though just an ephemeral and fleeting temp experience. Quality supersedes quantity. Learn lots of stuff beside the work experience, especially the relations part. Realized that office life can be exciting and political too. 学会如何面对不同人的性格,学会戴着面具去微笑,学会去说冷小笑话。。。

该走了,该pack up the feelings, 放下那幅面具回到校园里做会自己。发现到如果和莫些人说话太久,真的有点累,会很容易的是去自我。不想再尔虞我诈了,想回到简单点的校园。不是说这里不好,只是就了回有点儿累。可能是太过敏感了吧。但或许以后还是可回来temp的。

要走了,虽然有点啰嗦,但这或许是那可比较多愁善感,比较罕见的另一面吧。 Sorry for being too emo…

Just want let you all know thanks for being more like friends than colleagues…


wx at 7/26/2007 05:25:00 PM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fuck. Just like lost $50 in a few minutes. Fuck not that I went gambling at all. Fucking hell I left my wallet at the restaurant coz I had the bad habit of taking it out whenever I sit down, as I don’t like the feeling of sitting on top o f my wallet. Then before we left, I really didn’t pay much attention to the wallet and left. I really don’t know the fucking hell why I just left the wallet there. Ok firstly I shouldn’t blame others first but it was my fucking fault. But then again I did went back like 5 minutes later to get it back. Then what the fuck, that bloody fucker who the fucking hell he is took $50 dollars out. Fucking asshole, bloody bastard. Damn that bloody fucker. Its was like only 5 minutes then gone. Fucking asshole, bastard ass. I mean its my fault to begin with but I went back almost immediately… that fucking bastard get the $50 would like have some sort of karma. Fucking hell doesn’t that person heard of retribution. Bloody fucker bastard… damn bloody pist coz of that fucker. Its $50 not like $5 or what… damn pist… Fucking bastard… its definitely one fucking expensive lesson that just learnt. Talk about honesty in people… like fucking hell… fuck to that bloody bastard to took my $50… remember about karma and retribution… every ebb has its flow…


wx at 7/22/2007 11:24:00 PM

Friday, July 20, 2007

我很想说,说出心里头的悄悄话。想要说的不是是非也不是烦脑而是简单的几句话。几句简单的感想与心事。Stacy 说我的博客与本人迥然不同说比较black. 这不是因为装酷而是别一面的我。Lol if u r reading this then I am just explaining myself. She said that the blogging side of me sounds mature and old. I have to agree on that. Coz I am really feeling jaded. I mean that there moments in life that require deep retrospect and emotional upheaval. Maybe mine is just more often than others? But that’s just the other side of me. Then was chatting with lee mei on msn and she told me the same thing too. Maybe I am just too emo. That might put people off but if they are put off then maybe it just imply that we are not close friends?

Was thinking of typing in Chinese then realized that that would be too slow and not efficient. I mean I can express more true using that language but jus that we should have a new change. Anyway too much such phrase merely vilify the true emotion, masking the real me. Then that would defeat the purpose.

Ok but to the main agenda that’s I can be different person at different time of the day. Seriously I could be joking or flirting (that’s what some people suggests which I disagree… lol…) with you yet at the same time I could be damn emo. That’s just me. Not that I am having mood swing but just that the is just the suppressed or reticent part of me that people seldom get to se unless we are damn close. So don’t be surprised. The more profound and deeper me is still me and I am not faking it. Who xan say that they not wear mask and openly declare that they are really innocent by-standers on this stage? Fret I am not…

Was supposed to blog about union camp but sorry really not in the correct feel. Its was really nice with nice ogl too. Thanks for the great times… will blog more about them soon…

I guess

wx at 7/20/2007 05:15:00 PM