Sunday, September 16, 2007

ok been real busy so havent been blogging... thats an excuse? not too sure abt

been real tired with all sort of events and things happening in sch or social ambit. so many things that need to be done like work and social commitments. how to survive like this...sigh
nobody said uni was supposed to be like this... maybe was not entirely mentally prepared, this is too cerebrally taxing... draining away the neurones and flooding the synapses if rmb bio stuff correctly... lol

met up with friends that didnt meet up for so long... had fun catching up and talking or exchanging news from various correspondents station elsewhere. was nice experience and rather therapeutic too. life's not a bed of rose or thorns, depend on ur paradigm...

the post might be messy coz was typing it whenever words conjure in the mind, need to go off to do something else... just dont really know exactly what but you do get the picture that life is one busy workbench... sigh...

will need to meet up more people too...bye

wx at 9/16/2007 01:15:00 AM