Sunday, January 20, 2008



wx at 1/20/2008 12:40:00 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Help me get this done. Help me get that done. Wtf. Who do you think you are? Why should I always be the one to give in? So inconsiderate you say. What absurd tone is that? What do you mean by inconsiderate when you are the one asking me to do things. If its was meant to be a question then shouldn’t I have the right to reject? Then if that is not the answer that you wanted then why bother to ask me in the first place. You could just ordered me to do so. WTF. So only you have the right to “ask” people to do your shit then what about me? Why should I clear your shit when it was your responsibility right from the start? You are not a kid anymore. Everything you depend on others. When was your age and state no one bothered to even help me. I was forced to be independent then why shouldnt you be at your age now? What reason for the special treatment? Coz you are a gal? WTF. So does that mean you are a gal then I should always help you to clear your damn shit? WTF. Who’s going to help me when I need help? Remember that time when I needed you to help me send some email out, you remembered what you said… sorry very busy,no time to help you have own stuff to do. WTF your response is what I remembered till now.

Every now and then I need to clear up you shit coz I am older. WTF cant you be more responsible yourself? Can’t you behave like a young adult? Cant you be less selfish? Cant you be more sensible? Cant you be more caring? Cant you just thoughtful? I guess not.

No thank you. No thanks. No nothing. Just being taken for granted.

wx at 1/19/2008 05:11:00 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

ok going to be quick one... sch started received other news regarding other people academic achievements. most prob they are displaying their academic powers. whatever... so passe...

ok realised that some lects are doing with friend while some mod prefer not to find people coz not keen to be in empty small talks... please just grow up and out of those masks. btw eco lect was supposedly do with the chem major wannabe, smart ass person then now doing with miko instead... LOL

ok been waiting for you to give me ur add... where art thou?

wx at 1/18/2008 12:12:00 AM

Saturday, January 12, 2008

going to be some random ramblings... maybe to add onto the previous list... thought about widening the social ambit, to new more people and stuff... hope to better the bgr side... LOL...

new chapter is starting and woes to begin. what should have been the end of the relation keeps coming bac, like an echo. saw a friend's entry saying that he cant forget her, blah blah blah. you should get the drift. was thinking of telling me to really move on coz its really over then move on. if you dont allow yourself to move on espceailly so when she does, then you are the one that is slow. dont cling onto her like she is very important. she walked on so should you.

well though this as nothing much to do with me but i guess its serves as extra note to me: love hurts and lingers on even if you have spilt. no point to bemoan who's right who's wrong. just move on... easier said then done...

btw still waiting for her to give me her blog address... if you are not busy and reading this... rmb the add u promise...LOL

wx at 1/12/2008 01:11:00 AM

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ok been bog down with gamut of issues so been delaying this posting of 08. Well don’t they always lament about the finale yet disappointed about its sudden finishing? Abrupt closure of 07 with the hasty inauguration of 08 was startling. Could have posted photos but then don’t think is in my nature to cam whore. LOL… maybe that could be a new change for 08, who knows? People do change especially with the graying of years.

Should start with resolutions however that would be cliché. Blatantly listing is just not my cup of tea. LOL… 07 was year of revelations and resolve. Tenacity to do things and commence the chapter of new phase of life. Guess that’s how it suppose to go. Sigh… 08 is similar in the trend of doing stuff but maybe including more excitement and other goals. Realistic and programmatic side of the alter-ego would expect more of the same thing and even more. Who doesn’t? scores and ranking do make up a large portion of the current stage. Sad but true. Beside this obvious statement that I am resolved to stick to, there are other emotional and sentimental issues which need to be abiding to. On this matter, think should make some personal changes. Bearing in mind that not all people would act up to what one would expect, think there is the need to do more retro/intro-spec. some friends are just no longer who they were before. Time changed them too.

Uncertainty that prevails brings sudden change in some of their character that I no longer know. Staring at their message or face to face made me realized that the once familiar figure I once thought I knew well was all but a mirage. A dream that I should wake up earlier from. The masquerade of deceit and truth is voiding me of what warmth or commitment that I once could afford. Sorry for the veneer but I changed too. Bridges that are burnt could be re-build but might take forever. You were the one that ignited the flame so blame me not for the results. Surprisingly such dissolving of relations never hurt as bad as I thought it would. Maybe our comma dire wasn’t that staunch to begin with. Cruel kindness or ironical paradox?

Shouldn’t get so emo coz its consider cliché too. Anyway new year, new start, new tidings, new sem, new new… the age of Aquarius, much ado about it?

wx at 1/09/2008 11:50:00 PM