Saturday, May 24, 2008

窗外風鈴一直不安靜 風在搖晃不安的宿

有些戀人只会是 路過時的風




wx at 5/24/2008 10:30:00 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

泪干了各自走, 不会有挽留
现在就放开, 不会再牵的手.

The end that once sought for so long has arrived. What the point of retrospect when all been cast into stone. Care not of the other person’s feelings and future is not because I am being petty or narrow-minded. It’s just my style. Love or hate it I bother not about your judgments. Since when did I even seek your views? It’s over…

Moving onwards to another person, we weren’t meant to be.

When melancholic, love songs are salt to your wound, love stories are insult to injuries, poems and pledges are stampede on the wounded heart.

Whining and moaning are mere embellishments to the tattered soul. Sadly woven fustians are not true, raw emotions that you heart truly feel. The pain and agony that you once felt can never be replaced or explained by the words that one has spun. Leave the pain as what it is and let it consume you for just that particular moment, then start to learn to let go. Why be the loser that wallows in self pity? Wonder why?




wx at 5/22/2008 03:54:00 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

少年不识愁滋味, 爱上层楼。 爱上层楼, 为赋新词强说愁。

wx at 5/13/2008 05:36:00 PM

being rejected by the girl you like is bad but rejected by the girl whom accepted to be the girlfriend of a much worse guy than you, is really much much worse...

wx at 5/13/2008 10:09:00 AM

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Its been real long since I have been in such pensive mood. Maybe as one ages, one becomes more retrospective or simply coz of the extra drink or two that I have taken… LOL… anyway that’s not the point but rather… sigh… don’t think I sound cognitive as of now… maybe is the drinks

Term has ended and freshman life is over. Ask me what I have leant from school life and all can say is the formula now existing in my cerebral: hard work is not always proportionate to results. Maybe is just me. Matters not I guess. Transient results, deceitful characters and masquerade of masks… typical life forms that surround our current lives. What’s new? Maybe is the void and emtypness that is swelling and consuming me from within. Maybe… skeptical, jaded or mundane? Choose either and I don’t care. Not the very least that I care.

Could it be teen anguish? Think overage to quality… don’t know the answer but the least found an outlet for the emotions. Maybe the muses are calling that why am writing now. Doodling on and on… chatted with an colleague and realized that we kind of felt the same about life, maybe that’s what entails us in the future to come. Endless comparison and benchmark to reach, wonder how?


Want to walk away. Can I?

wx at 5/10/2008 12:16:00 AM

Friday, May 09, 2008

working now cant

wx at 5/09/2008 02:31:00 PM