Wednesday, July 23, 2008


wx at 7/23/2008 04:31:00 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Too long have not visited this site. Dust gathering. Here I am sitting out of the office window, staring out of the window looking at the bay that’s under construction. The cacophony of sight and sound, accompanied by a drink. Work life? Or sad life? Such juxtaposition.

Friends are coming back from overseas. Meet up to come. Going to end this work assignment. New chapter, new beginning, new year. Foreboding anticipation, excited renewal or fiery baptism of concern? Sigh…

Early in the afternoon, fret shouldn’t be so emo… need to be mellow…

Random stuff:

Meet up with mini V5 clique gathering at cedele. Followed by usual gossip mongering.

Had farewell with colleagues, gave everyone some Japanese cookies, except for one silly, gluttonous, greedy girl who took like 3 of them. Like WTF, if you are so desperate and hungry, then go eat something else, you hungry hog… WTF to you, your actions are disgusting. Revolting pig!!!

You might be thinking since I had farewell, then why am I still in office? Coz there are some LOOSE ends to pick up, so here I am back at the place working… LOL

wx at 7/21/2008 12:04:00 PM

Monday, July 07, 2008




wx at 7/07/2008 12:12:00 PM

Saturday, July 05, 2008

well didnt actually want to blog due to the lack of muses. i blog based on emotions (not on hormones... yes there is a difference)

felt gulity coz miko and adibah blogged about out outing at cedele. so if i dont blog too, maybe might get a earful from them about not updating the blog... kidding... had dinner and meet up after so long from our previous meeting at PS which i guess is like 1 month or so... uni life brought us together as friends, so guess its a form of fate. the current moment is a gift so cherish it, thats why it is also called the present.

some random updates:

rachel changed job and she treated me to dinner before she left... free jap food. COOL... lol

the mag is out on the market... so much for the hard work of compilation and number churing.

overseas friends are coming back, get meet up soon

finally mmet up with june after 1 yr before she went exchange

work is ending soon, so its time to hit the gym or need to start moving those muscles if not degeneration will kick in... damn those wobbly excess carbo storage

enough ramblings... need to have muse before continue blogging... need to maintain the philosophical essence here in this virtual ambit, behind the veneer of reality...

wx at 7/05/2008 11:57:00 PM