Thursday, October 30, 2008

live and let live, who can be magnanimous as to practice what they preach. dont just stand on your moral high ground and contiue your endless ranting. do not preach of the stairway to utopia when you yourself indulge in the sins you bemoan.

带我走? 让我走? 计算何计较的又是为何?

wx at 10/30/2008 11:22:00 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

week passed by damn fast. now back to the desk of piled up work. wonder when to clear and how.
sigh work seems to be gaining yet mood still not pushing. i think therefore i am. therefore does that mean that i think the work will be reduced and it will happen immediately?

ok this is blantantly crapping...


wx at 10/26/2008 11:32:00 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

with great epectation comes great letdown... proportionately applied to most thing so far.
not being emo or wat being just slightly more retrospective, who doesnt? when silence crept in, nothing moves, and darkness prevail, what to do but just work that brain of yours. reflection is the innate reflex response that comes immediately.

on side note, sch work piling with more projects coming up for reason i know not of. wonder how to hang on till break? who's going to give me the breather i so dearly sought.

dreading, pondering, trying...

恨真的总是会比爱容易放下? 沉默就能代替所有回答? 别说又是种所谓的逃脱?
不成熟的任性又作何解释? 难过的放手是绅士的宽容?

wx at 10/19/2008 10:31:00 PM