Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Searching for a boyfriend? Simple. Here are 10 reasons why nerd are better options

1. Nerds are all thin.Have you ever seen a nerd who was fat? After all, someone who memorises his calories intake would not end up being fat. After all, thinking does burn fats too. You like thin skinny guys, take your pick.

2. Nerds are useful in this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a bf who can fix your laptop, calculator and almost anything which is plugged into the wall work. And when you complain with that loud whiny voice "my IE crasheddddd. how do you use Firefox!!!", a nerd would be able to regurgitate you a 99-page instruction manual in the blink of an eye, whilest the normal guy would be "HUH? fAirYforks? is that a relative of the chihuahua?"

3. Nerds are romantic Yes, nerds are romantic. Their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pictures of you and sonnets, but hey, it lasts longer than flowers! Instead of having another day of card-swiping at a mall with that rich boyfriend of yours, why not be creative and unique in this capitalistic romance age!

4. Nerds come in all shapes and sizes. Due to their neglected status, there are plentiful stocks to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty out there. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

5. Nerds are smart.Who doesnt like to live a life of comfort? Nerds are smart and would probably become the CEO down the road. Why not be their wives? Then you wont be upset anymore!

6. Nerds are low-maintenance. Nerds do not need much. Cup noodles/McDonalds would more than suffice to fill them up completely. And they wont complain -- because they like their food.

7. Nerds are not picky. They would love you just as much without your make-up or even in your messy hair. If you gain a few kgs, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap.

8. Nerds are well mannered. Most of them have "Manners for Dummies" imprinted in their minds, they could write a even better book. They treat you with utmost respect and like you for the way you are. And they dont smoke nor drink excessively. How can this be bad?

9. Nerds dont go “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” They spell properly, use correct punctuation, improve your vocabulary with a few bombastic words and even if they spew profanities, you wouldnt understand it. Would you like to have a bf who goes "y00 hAo r u 2daE, mi feeLZZ veri siAnzzz lehx. Eye ms Yew worhxxx. Muackkks!"

10. Nerds treat you like a treasure. This is because of scarcity. Nerds have it hard when it comes to getting girlfriends so they treasure them a lot more. It’s like how affluent people can’t finish their food and toss them away but the starving will lick every grain up.

Isnt this enough to convince you to get a nerdy boyfriend now!

Disclaimer: found the idea and some concepts on the net so put them here. was thinking of twitting it but there are 10 reasons so people might not be able to follow. maybe should like twit bit by bit, that would be interesting with regards to the notion of playing hard to catch though.

oh well

wx at 6/29/2010 03:54:00 PM

Friday, June 25, 2010

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind.She hated everyone,except her loving boyfriend.He was always there for her.She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her.When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything,including her boyfriend.He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?'The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind.The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her.She hadn't expected that.The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying:'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine."

Touching or cryptic? Go figure, think is kind of retrospective and thought provoking when chance upon it on the Internet too.

wx at 6/25/2010 12:54:00 PM

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

When you need peace, they just nag = its ok assume they might be more talkative or concern

When you need support, they f u = its ok assume they are showering concern in their own unique way

When you need help, they complain and say you are being impatient and fussy = its ok assume they had a bad day and its your fault

When you need to cry, they f u more = its ok assume they have worse day then you

When you need someone to listen, they are some how extra busy = its ok assume that they really have lots to do

When they need help = you must be there

When they need you to do something = it must be done immediately

When they need you to = you must pay more attention and show them with every minute possible

Just realized something: seem to blog when down. Sad, depressed or suicidal? Melancholy creeping in surreptitiously, much ado about nothing. Why do I need to accomdate to them, why cant they do the same to me? Am I asking too much? Why do I have to the one with smile as veneer for the tears? Why cant I cry out loud and bled? Why cant I have the right to express my feelings out? Why should I be the one suppressing everything to meet people’s stereotype of me? Why cant others change? Why must tears be shed in front of a screen?

I don’t need your attention, concern, support 24/7. All I want is a little love…

wx at 6/01/2010 11:40:00 PM